Orliman Orthèse De Stabilisation de la Cheville
Orliman Orthèse De Stabilisation De La Cheville is a game-changer for those dealing with ankle sprains, tendonitis, or post-operative ligaments issues. Crafted from rigid thermoplastic, this bivalve ankle-foot orthesis features an interior foam cushion with memory, ensuring both comfort and support. The regulating system on the ankle coupled with the Velcro closure system offers superb medio-lateral stabilisation and immobilisation of the tibio-tarsal joint. To prevent any discomfort, each strap area comes with 2 pads at the back to avoid rubbing issues.
Orliman Orthèse De Stabilisation de la Cheville49,95 € 40,61 €
Orliman Chevillère Élastique Avec Coussinets En Gel29,95 € 24,35 € Prix normal 129,95 €Show details